Water Testing Good Practice
Testing starts with the sample – from where do we take it?
- The main body of water (i.e. pool or hot tub)
- Ideally mid-way between in / outlets
- Between 100 – 300mm below the surface
How do we take it?
- Clean plastic container (never take glass to a hot tub or pool)
- Rinse the container several times
- Make sure you have enough water
- Carry out tests straight away
Remember only measuring small quantities
- Equivalent to 1cm on the height of Everest
- Wash and dry hands before commencing (sweat can contaminate the sample)
- Use clean dry equipment
- Make sure you have sufficient sample
- Use suitable location
Carrying Out the Test
- Wash and dry hands
- Use clean dry sample tubes or pool block
- Rinse containers several times
- Do not handle the tablets
- Crush tablet using clean dry rod
- Allow time if appropriate
After Testing
- Empty and clean all the vials
- Dry all equipment
- Return all tablets to boxes
- Return equipment to box